Is there a way to align Amazon native shopping ads in my code to the center?

Hey there, I've been trying to use Amazon's native shopping ads but I've run into an issue. It seems like they won't load properly when embedded into a Div. I've tried editing the ID in CSS to include properties like:

#amazon-id-here {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

However, when I do this, the ad breaks and won't load. I also attempted to add a new class with these parameters but it didn't work either. Is it possible that these ads are not allowed to be edited in this way? Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1


An alternative approach could involve enclosing the entire Amazon code within a CENTER tag. For instance:

<center><div id="amzn-assoc-ad-123456-4693-1213-8052-17231123"></div><script async src="//"></script></center>


Encountering the same issue, my initial assumption was that Amazon may not permit this practice, hence resulting in the empty div. However, it appears to be related to the sizing of the div in their javascript code, causing it to be 0 before loading.

As a workaround, I implemented a jquery css adjustment after a certain interval. You simply have to replace "#your amazon div ID here" with your actual div id to resolve the issue.

        function amzfix() {
            $("#your amazon div ID here").css("margin", "0 auto");

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