Is there a way to adjust the label size for a material ui TextField component?

My TextField element is defined like this:

  label="First Name"

It currently appears as shown in the image below:

However, I would like it to look more like this:

I am specifically interested in making the "First Name" text larger. How can I adjust the size of the label text? At present, my styles object does not contain any specific CSS for this purpose. I believe that the necessary CSS code should be added there, but I'm unsure about the specifics of how to target the label text.

Appreciate your help!

Answer â„–1

Learn how to customize the label font size in Material-UI version 4 with this example code snippet. Adjusting the font-size of the input field is also demonstrated to maintain consistency. Play around with the code in a sandbox environment to observe the impact of changing either value individually.

Explore styling options in Material-UI

A similar implementation for Material-UI version 5 using styled instead of withStyles:

Elevate your UI design skills with Material-UI

Refer to the following documentation sections for more information:

Answer â„–2

To style the textfield label, you can use the following CSS code:

.MuiFormLabel-root {
  font-size: 20px !important;

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