Is there a way to add two identical classes to one CSS file at the same time?

I currently have two CSS files. Is there a way to combine them into a single CSS file without making any changes to the original files?

File 1:

.class1{ background-color: red;}

File 2:

.class1{ background-color: blue;}

Answer №1

Hey there! If you use the same class name with different colors, the style will be overwritten based on your query.

      File 1:    .class1{ background-color: red;}
file 2: .class1{ background-color: blue;}

The style will be overwritten, so you need to specify a different class name or create a new class and override the style of class1 like this:

.class2{ background-color: green !important;}

Answer №2

As things currently stand with the classes, achieving what you're attempting is not possible. The conflicting properties will result in the later included file taking precedence in the HTML structure using link tags.

To address this issue, placing both declarations in the same CSS file will make the latter declaration the dominant one. While I don't have the means to confirm this now, feedback in the comments would be greatly appreciated.

If your goal is to have two distinct background colors, utilizing two separate classes is the solution. It's unclear why you are defining the same class twice with different definitions instead of using two unique classes.

Answer №3

To prevent the second CSS file from overwriting the class, it's recommended to target more specific elements using different class names. Take a look at the example below:

.block-one .class1 {}
.block-two .class1 {}

Answer №4

Combining them into a single file is possible, but only one will take precedence. If you find yourself in this situation, it is advisable to include a prefix property to differentiate between them.

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