Is there a reason why the slide up feature is not working when I include the ul tag?

I need help with a jQuery code that will pull up/slide up an Html "p" tag when my page finishes loading.

This snippet of jQuery code seems to be working fine:

$(function () {

This is the HTML structure:

<p class="graybgc">
    <span>A: </span>abcd.....

However, I noticed that when additional tags like ul are added, the code fails to function correctly and does not slide up the targeted HTML p tag. Here's an example:

 <p class="graybgc">
       <span>A: </span>
          <ul >

Answer №1

It's not valid to nest a ul tag inside of a p tag according to the HTML specification. More information can be found here.

If you need an example, here is a functional one using a div tag (JSFiddle: :

$('.graybgc').on('click', function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="graybgc" >
    <span>A: </span>

Answer №2

Instead of using <p> try using <DIV>

<div class="graybgc">
       <span>A: </span>
          <ul >

Answer №3

$('.graybgc').on('click', function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="graybgc" style="background:red" >
    <span>A: </span>

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