Adjusting Position for Parallax Effect using Jquery

I am currently experimenting with a basic Scrolldeck Jquery Parallax effect to scroll items at varying speeds. However, I am encountering some difficulties in making items move from top to bottom. In the example provided below, you will see a shoe moving from bottom to top at different scroll speed.

I have attempted to adjust CSS positions to negative values and outerHeight values, but I cannot seem to locate an EndPoint for the transition, only the startPoint. Perhaps this is why I am struggling to achieve the desired effect.

My goal is to create a similar motion with the same shoe, but moving it from top to bottom as the page is scrolled, just like on many other websites. Can anyone offer assistance with this?


Answer №1

To gain a better understanding of parallax scrolling, visit
It provides a simple, efficient, and effective method for implementing the technique.

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