Is there a Pug file that can connect to a Websocket and show the incoming values?

Check out this basic pug file snippet:

p Hello

The back end consists of typical components such as node, express, passport, and sql. You can set up a route like this:

app.get('/example', (request, response) => {

Here's what I want the web page to do:

  1. Establish a connection with a websocket server

  2. Display any incoming text in place of the 'Hello' message

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

(Just for reference, the server side functions look something like this ... Implementing that part is not an issue.)

function sendInfoToAnyBrowserConnected() {
    connections.forEach(function tell(c) {
        if (c.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
            c.send("this text gets displayed")

What content should be included in my pug file?

Answer №1

I've had to figure it out on my own - curse you, Stack Overflow! It basically involves:

<a id="log" size=10></a>

replacing it with:

var el = document.getElementById("log");

and adding:

el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + "<br>" +;

That's the gist of it.

So essentially, it consists of:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function VanillaData() {
        var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");

        ws.onopen = function() { ws.send("from www ,v1"); };

        ws.onmessage = function(e) {
            el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + "<br>" +;

        ws.onclose = function() { console.log("ws closed..."); };

Your live stuff:
<a id="log" size=10></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var el = document.getElementById("log");
</body >
</html >

I don't have much knowledge about pug, so I can't provide insight into how the .pug file should be structured.

After using an online html-pug converter, this method proved to be successful:

    function VanillaData() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
    ws.onopen = function() { ws.send("from www"); };
    ws.onmessage = function(e) {
    el.innerHTML = + "<br>" + el.innerHTML;
    ws.onclose = function() { console.log("ws closed ..."); };
| Live stuff:

  var el = document.getElementById("log");

It seems to be functioning perfectly.

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