Is there a different option besides using the scale() function in CSS for transforming elements

It's a well-known fact that elements with the CSS property position: fixed don't behave as expected when the container has the transform property applied in CSS.

After searching through various threads, I couldn't find a definitive solution to this issue. I have several elements in my application where I require position:fixed to function properly due to the transform: scale() property being applied to the body itself.

Since no workaround seems to work, I am curious if there is an alternative to using the transform: scale() property in CSS. Using zoom isn't ideal either, especially since it's not fully compatible with many browsers (especially Firefox).

Please provide suggestions on what changes I should make to ensure both functionalities work seamlessly?

angular.element($window).on('resize load', function () {
    var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1;
    var oWidth = angular.element($window).width();
    var oHeight = angular.element($window).height();
    console.log(oWidth + " " + oHeight);
    if (oWidth >= 1903)
        applyCss(100, 100, 1, isFirefox);
    if (oWidth < 1903 && oWidth > 1441)
        applyCss(125, 125, 0.8, isFirefox);
    if (oWidth <= 1441 && oWidth > 1268)
        applyCss(149.3, 149.3, 0.67, isFirefox);
    if (oWidth <= 1268)
        applyCss(166.7, 166.7, 0.6, isFirefox);

function applyCss(width, height, scale, isFirefox) {
    var body = angular.element('body');
        '-moz-transform' : 'scale(' + scale + ')',
        '-moz-transform-origin' : 'left top',
        '-webkit-transform' : 'scale(' + scale + ')',
        '-webkit-transform-origin' : 'left top',
        'transform' : 'scale(' + scale + ')',
        'transform-origin' : 'left top',
        'width' : width + '%',
        'height' : height + '%',
    if (isFirefox) //body's position absolute in case of Firefox
            'position' : 'absolute'

The code snippet above illustrates the implementation of scaling functionality.

Answer №1

The dimensions of your div are 100x200. To scale it by a factor of (x), simply set the height to 100*x and the width to 200*x. While this can be achieved through pure CSS, it is more convenient to implement it in code.

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