Is there a bug in IE9 with CSS precedence?

Two CSS rules are in place:

.avo-lime-table th,
.avo-lime-table td {  
  background-color: grey;

Next rule:

.avo-lime {
  background-color: green; 

All is functioning correctly in FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Safari. However, as usual, Microsoft's browser has its own way of rendering the page...

<div class="avo-center-shrink">
  <form method="post" action="/someformAction">
    <table class="avo-lime-table">
        <tr><th colspan="2" class="avo-lime">Login form heading here</th></tr>
        <tr><td colspan="2">submit button here</td>
          <th class="avo-lime-h unselectable" scope="row">Login:</th>
          <td class="avo-light-h">login input here</td>

In the above code, some irrelevant elements have been omitted.

Desired appearance in Firefox:

Actual display in IE9:

Why does the first rule take precedence over the second (in IE)?

How can this be corrected for IE? Various solutions have been attempted:

**.avo-lime, .avo-lime-table th.avo-lime** { background-color: darkgreen; // fallback background color
 //here some gradients }

Unfortunately, these attempts have not yielded success!


Upon clearing the browser cache twice, the CSS file finally updated properly after the first attempt was unsuccessful.

Therefore, it is confirmed that avo-lime-table th takes precedence over .avo-lime, and changing it to th.avo-lime resolved the issue.

A +1 will be awarded to all who provided assistance, with the correct answer being selected as the marked solution.

Answer №1

Solution to your current issue: delete


and it will function correctly in IE9.

Regarding the priority of CSS rules:

The rule

.avo-lime-table th

takes precedence over


due to its inclusion of a class selector and an element selector, which hold more weight than just one class selector. This applies not only to IE but also to all other browsers.

To elevate its precedence, modify it to


Now both rules have equal specificity, but the second rule supersedes the first rule through simple cascading (later declared rules override previous ones in the stylesheet)

Explore more about css selector specificity to comprehend this intricate subject.

Answer №2

It seems like there might be a small issue with your question.

The css rule:

.avo-lime { ...

Should actually be

th.avo-lime { ...

If you want it to have priority over the other rule. This is also the case in Firefox.

Take a look at this JSFiddle example where you can remove the leading th from th.avo-lime to observe this behavior in Firefox.

Answer №3

It seems like you have disabled the gradient effect and are now questioning why the gradient is not visible.

If this is not accurate, then the reason could be that the CSS selector .avo-lime-table td has higher specificity than .avo-lime, causing it to override the styling.

Answer №4

I attempted this solution on my personal computer

All I had to do was delete the line


This is necessary because it was overriding the previous property

filter:'#46ae0e', endColorstr='#a5e54b', GradientType=0);

Answer №5

It's important to note that when using the background-image property, each new rule will overwrite the one defined before it, rather than applying based on the browser being used. This is why the background appears correctly in most browsers except for IE.

If you want to ensure the ms- rule is applied in Internet Explorer, you can add the following code:

.avo-lime {
    background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #46ae0e, #a5e54b 85%);

You should include this code in a separate CSS file or within a <style> tag that loads after the initial styles. Make sure to load it only when detecting that the client is using IE, either through server-side scripting or conditional comments (although, note that conditional comments may not be supported in IE10 and newer versions).

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