Is there a bug causing this div to load inconsistently in Chrome?

Currently, I am using Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit operating system

A few years ago, I developed a WordPress plugin that displays a cached and stylized Google Calendar. The plugin works fine but could use some improvements. Recently, when I added this plugin to another website, I encountered browser drawing errors. Interestingly, these errors only occur on this specific website, indicating a possible CSS conflict.

To investigate further, I compressed the entire plugin from (where it functions perfectly) and installed it on the new site: . Both websites appear identical.

On the new site, clicking on an event in the calendar sometimes leads to incorrect rendering of the div element. Even if the div is displayed correctly initially, subsequent clicks on events result in drawing errors. To temporarily fix the issue, I switch tabs in Chrome and return to the previous tab. However, scrolling down reveals that the div appears to be absolutely positioned instead of fixed, and links within the div are unresponsive.

To rule out JavaScript issues, I executed basic commands like jQuery('#id_popup').show(); and jQuery('#id_popup').hide(); in the Chrome console, but the peculiar behavior persists.

Although I suspect a bug in Chrome, I wonder why it affects only one specific website (

For reference, you can view the properly functioning website here:

Below are two screenshots depicting the random nature of the redraw bug:

Answer №1

Although I'm not entirely sure why, the issue was resolved in my Chrome browser by adjusting the CSS for #id_popup to apply position: absolute; instead of fixed using DevTools.

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