Is the table not displaying properly in the print preview with a messy

I have a large table with multiple rows. Due to its length, I have provided a link to the jsfiddle where you can view it: jsfiddle. The table is structured in HTML and contains many rows with various attributes.

<thead>text here!</thead>
Inside this are td elements with numerous tr structures, rowspan, and colspan

My goals are:

  • Ensure that the Thead always appears at the top of the printed page
  • Automatically initiate a page break for the first tr (MODEL as the starting td)

I have managed to find a solution for the first issue, but it seems messy as some td elements overlap on subsequent pages and get inside the Thead section. I am confused by this...

If possible, I would like to know if there is a solution for automatic page breaks. I have searched for answers, but most require manually determining which tr should begin on a new page. Is there a way to automatically implement page breaks at the beginning tr of MODEL?

Thank you for your help. I understand that my question may seem basic, but I am truly stuck here.

Answer №1

If you want to expand your page, consider using the CSS3 @page property.

Your code snippet would resemble the following:

@media print {
@page {
size: 21cm 29.7cm;
margin: 30mm 45mm 30mm 45mm;
tr,td { page-break-before: always; }

I hope this information proves useful!

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