Is the "supports" feature supported by the browser?

As I make my return to web development after some time away, I can't help but wonder if the ancient art of CSS hacks could be the solution to bridging the gap between modern @supports queries and outdated browsers that don't support these features. Is there potential to avoid unnecessary JavaScript by utilizing clever CSS hacks? Could this even eliminate the need for JavaScript in smaller projects? Are there any existing projects that explore this idea? Or perhaps I simply haven't found the right keywords in my search...

Answer №1

Indeed, you have the ability to achieve this using the following commands:

Below are some valid examples you can use:

@supports not (not (transform-origin: 2px))
- to test browser non-support


@supports (display: grid) - to test browser support


@supports (display: grid) and (not (display: inline-grid)).
- to test both scenarios

For more information, refer to MDN:

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