Dynamic row height in MUI DataGrid

I'm currently utilizing the MUI DataGrid component, and I have a specific behavior in mind that I'd like to achieve:

  1. When there is a small number of rows present, I want the table to only occupy the necessary space for those rows.
  2. On the other hand, when there's a large number of rows exceeding the viewport capacity, I expect the table to expand and utilize the available space within the layout (with flex: 1), enabling scrolling for the additional rows inside the table.

I know how to accomplish each of these behaviors individually, but not simultaneously.

  1. If I apply the autoHeight property to the DataGrid, the table will adjust to the smallest possible size. However, it will also expand to maximum capacity, causing the entire table to scroll within its container instead of individual rows.

  2. Alternatively, if I refrain from using autoHeight and place the DataGrid within a container with flex: 1, the table will grow to fill the available space and allow scrolling exclusively within the rows. Yet, a table containing just a few rows will unnecessarily extend below them, creating empty space between the rows and footer ("Table rows: #").

You can observe this issue in the screenshot provided below, illustrating the same page with different datasets.

I've experimented with several combinations of heights and flex properties, including:

  • Enabling autoHeight alongside a defined maxHeight (and
    .MuiDataGrid-main { overflow: scroll; }
    ) allows tables with few rows to remain compact and larger tables to be reasonably sized. Nonetheless, any fixed maxHeight value, whether in pixels or percentage, does not align with the flexible layout concept I aim to achieve.
  • Disabling autoHeight (as described in scenario #2) and setting flex-grow: 0 on the row container within the table (.MuiDataGrid-main) causes the rows to vanish as they shrink to a height of zero.

Below is the code snippet for the component:

const S = {
  Wrapper: styled.div`
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    flex: 1;
    background: white;
    border: solid thick red;
  DataGrid: styled(DataGridPro)`
    && {
      .MuiDataGrid-main {
        //overflow: scroll;
        //flex-grow: 0;
      background: lightgreen;
      font-size: 14px;

type Props = {
  columns: ReadonlyColumns;
  rows: AnyObject[];
  filterModel?: GridFilterModel;
} & Omit<DataGridProps, 'columns'>;

const DataTable: React.FC<Props> = ({
  columns = [],
  rows = [],
}) => {
  const memoizedColumns = useMemo(
    () =>
      columns.map(col => ({
        headerClassName: 'columnHeader',
        flex: 1, // all columns expand to fill width
        ...col, // but could override that behavior

  return (
    <S.Wrapper className={className}>
        // autoHeight

Answer №1

By utilizing both the autoHeight and pageSize properties, you can create a table that dynamically adjusts its height based on the current number of rows, up to a specified maximum row count indicated by <= pageSize. If more rows are added beyond this limit, they will be placed onto a new page.

    pageSize={20} //integer value representing max number of rows

Answer №3

A few days back, I encountered a similar issue and managed to resolve it by recalculating the row height each time a new item was added to the row.

calculateRowHeight={(rowData: RowDataParams) => {
      const defaultRowHeight = 45 // <-- default height if no data is present for the row
      const addButtonHeight = 45 // <-- height of a component always present in the row
      const height = rowData.model?.items // items represent the dynamic elements in my row, accessed as per yourObj
        ? rowData.model.items.length * defaultRowHeight + addButtonHeight 
        : 115
      return height < 115 ? 115 : height // final calculated height to be returned

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