Is the navbar-nav being unexpectedly placed below the navbar-brand?

As my screen width decreases to 767px, the navigation collapses as expected. However, at 768px, the navbar-nav drops below the navbar-brand until reaching 795px where they realign again. These values may vary based on the size of your navigation. Check out this jsbin for more information: jsbin

Answer №1

The width of your navigation bar is causing it to exceed the available space on one line. Consider decreasing the padding within the ".nav > li > a" element by adjusting

padding: 10px 13px;

This adjustment should help alleviate the issue.

Answer №2

It's unclear whether this is the root of the issue, but you might want to consider removing some padding from your list items. The width may be too excessive to properly display in that section of the page at the current window size.

Answer №3

The combined width of .navbar-header and .navbar-nav is 794px, causing them to overlap in the same row. To resolve this issue, adjust the padding for .nav>.li>a to 10px by 13px.

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