Is it valid CSS when a supposed "Best Solution" for a CSS challenge intentionally leaves out characters and appears to be invalid?

I am completely new to CSS and HTML and have just embarked on my first CSS challenge. Specifically, this one.

The winning solution is as follows:

:after{width:70;content:'Hello World

However, I am quite puzzled by this and other solutions provided on the page. I understand that the objective is to keep the code concise and clean, but is this format suitable for real-world web development? Should I follow this coding style in practice? While I see that the code accomplishes the desired result for this particular challenge, I am concerned about missing characters like apostrophes, semicolons, and brackets. I want to make sure I am learning the correct methods and not adopting bad practices in general.

I have come up with my own solution that also yields the expected outcome (though I am unsure if it is considered good coding practice or if it could potentially cause issues in a real website development scenario):

.box:before {
content:"Hello World";
word-spacing: 200px;
text-align: center;

Why does the challenge's winning solution differ from mine?

Answer №1

The solutions cannot be accessed, but there appears to be a missing part along with the absence of the class selector (if it's vanilla css).

:after{width:70;content:'Hello World

This is not considered valid.

.box:after{width:70;content:'Hello World';}

On the other hand, this is valid. It is worth noting that it is generally recommended to use ::after unless you need to support older browsers. Inline formatting is also not typically recommended. Ideally, the code would look something like this:

.box::after {
content:'Hello World';

Your reasoning is accurate.

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