Is it true that in IE7 and IE8 standards mode, "320 and up" reverts back to

I am currently navigating the 320 and up template for the first time, testing a website shell on ie9 while using developer tools to check compatibility with ie8 & 7 in standards mode.

This site incorporates boilerplate html5 and wordpress. Despite my thorough examination and testing, it seems that everything should function properly across all browsers... but unfortunately, it does not.

You can view the test site here:

If you notice any errors that have escaped my tired eyes, please bring them to my attention. I've been analyzing this for two days now!

UPDATE: To further clarify, when I say it doesn't work, I mean the site remains fixed at the 320 width format and does not scale up in the browser. The best way to test this is by resizing the browser window. In the provided link, everything works well in all browsers except ie7 & 8 in standards mode.

Answer №1

It seems that 320 And Up has been created to utilize responsive media queries in its CSS, which unfortunately do not function in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions. To make these media queries work in stubborn browsers like IE8, there is a provided script called respond.min.js. However, it appears that you have forgotten to include this script, which could be the reason for the issue you are experiencing.

Take a look at the bottom of the sample pages included with 320 And Up; you will notice the presence of the script specifically targeted for the outdated versions of IE. Additionally, DOMAssistantCompressed and selectivizr are also integrated; it is likely that you will need all of these tools to ensure compatibility with IE8 and below when using 320 And Up.

Answer №2

Shoutout to @Matt for the valuable feedback. Despite adding respond.js, the issue persisted! I devoted a significant amount of time attempting to resolve this...


After grabbing the most recent respond.js from github, everything fell into place effortlessly! Should have considered that solution sooner!

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