Is It Possible to Use Separate Stylesheets for Different Web Browsers?

I have been trying to implement a JavaScript code that loads a specific stylesheet based on the user's browser. However, it seems like the code is not functioning correctly as none of the stylesheets are being displayed. I have meticulously reviewed the code but I am unable to identify the cause of this issue.

<script type="text/javascript">
if ( $.browser.mozilla == true ) {
  document.write("<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css\FF.css\">");
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( $ == true ) {
  document.write("<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css\Chrome.css\">");

Answer №1

The statement made earlier regarding the obsolete nature of this code as a JQuery function is accurate.

If you are facing issues with your content appearing differently, consider utilizing alternative tools such as:

  • - for styling based on functional elements rather than specific browsers
  • - to standardize default element styles
  • - ensuring valid code increases compatibility across browsers

If all else fails, pose a detailed question here (preferably with a jsfiddle) - it's uncommon for CSS not to function on modern browsers or for viable workarounds not to exist.

Furthermore, given the abundance of web browsers today, testing in every single one is nearly impossible. Establishing that a script works across those tested should instill confidence in its cross-browser functionality.

Answer №3

If you want to dynamically detect and modify CSS for various browsers using JavaScript, keep in mind that the code may be quite lengthy.

Check out this helpful link:

Different CSS files for Different Browsers

Answer №4

This JavaScript version has been tested on Chrome and Firefox, with expected functionality on Opera as well. Simply paste this code at the bottom of your webpage just before the closing


function browsercss() {
    navigator.sayswho = function () {
        var c = navigator.userAgent,
            b, a = c.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || [];
        if (/trident/i.test(a[1])) return b = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(c) || [], "IE " + (b[1] || "");
        if ("Chrome" === a[1] && (b = c.match(/\bOPR\/(\d+)/), null != b)) return "Opera " + b[1];
        a = a[2] ? [a[1], a[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, "-?"];
        null != (b = c.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) && a.splice(1, 1, b[1]);
        return a.join(" ")
    var stylesheet = "";

    if (navigator.sayswho.indexOf('Chrome') >= 0) {
        stylesheet = '';
    if (navigator.sayswho.indexOf('Mozilla') >= 0) {
        stylesheet = '';
    if (navigator.sayswho.indexOf('Opera') >= 0) {
        stylesheet = '';

    loadcss = document.createElement('link');
    loadcss.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
    loadcss.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
    loadcss.setAttribute("href", stylesheet);


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