Is it possible to use CSS to create a gap between the cursor and the placeholder text within an input field?

Could you please assist me with a bug I have encountered on an older version of Firefox for OSX (37.0.2)? I have included a screenshot of the issue here:

Is there a way to use css to move the first character of the placeholder text away from where the cursor is initially positioned?

The webpage in question is built using Angular, which has had some compatibility issues with Firefox in the past.

I attempted adding text-indent and padding-left to moz-placeholder, but this action also affected the cursor position along with the placeholder text.

I resorted to creating a JavaScript function that adds a space before the placeholder text specifically for all versions of Firefox, although I would prefer to find a solution without having to do this workaround.

Answer №1

My recommendation would be to create all placeholders with a starting space, as mentioned before, or alternatively, utilize the

::-moz-placeholder { font-style: italic; }

Answer №2

A great way to maintain leading spaces in a placeholder text is by using the white-space: pre; property in CSS. This feature prevents spaces from collapsing, allowing for accurate representation of leading spaces.

For instance: When dealing with a Angular multi-select dropdown, implementing a similar code snippet below will help display leading spaces in the placeholder text.

<ng-select style="white-space: pre" placeholder="  Example of a placeholder with leading spaces!" [multiple]="xxxx" [formControl]="xxxx">                                                    
     <ng-option *ngFor="let x of y" [value]="x?.value">{{x?.text}}</ng-option>                                                

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