Is it possible to preview and print a markdown file as a PDF in VS Code using a custom CSS stylesheet?

Let me explain my scenario:

I am looking to create a formatted markdown document (such as my CV) and apply a customized style using a CSS file. Afterwards, I aim to generate a PDF version of this document.

In order to achieve this, I have integrated the Markdown PDF extension in Visual Studio Code which functions effectively.

To allow both the extension and preview to correctly display the designed styling, I adjusted the settings in vscode by modifying the `setting.json` for each extension to reference my CSS file, resulting in successful application.

For live preview rendering:

  "markdown.styles": ["my-styles.css"]

For exporting to PDF:

  "markdown-pdf.styles": ["~/Documents/Styles/my-styles.css"]

Despite this working solution, the challenge arises when the said stylesheet is universally applied to all my markdown files. Ideally, I seek to embed the CSS file exclusively for specific documents - like having a distinct style for CVs, reports, etc.

Is there a way to make this possible?

Answer №1

After implementing workspace-specific configurations, my problem was successfully resolved.

While I couldn't use a separate CSS file for each markdown document, I found a suitable solution: I grouped all my resumes together with the corresponding CSS in one workspace setting, and kept my other documents in a separate workspace with a different stylesheet.

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