Is it possible to nest a parsys within another parsys in this context?

On my webpage, I have a paragraph system (parsys) with a component that contains two inner paragraph systems. When I try to add a rich text component to each of these inner paragraph systems, the components overlap and become uneditable. Is it possible to nest a parsys within another parsys while still allowing for content authoring?

Answer №1

A parsys can indeed be placed inside another parsys without any issues. If you encounter overlapping problems, it is likely a CSS-related issue that can be easily fixed by inserting the following div at the end of your component code:

<div style="clear:both"></div>

To avoid cluttering your page with additional div styles, it is recommended to apply this only in author mode:

<% if (WCMMode.fromRequest(request) == WCMMode.EDIT) { %>
    <div style="clear:both"></div>
<% } %>

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