Is it Possible to Modify CSS Dynamically within an Angular Directive?

I am currently developing a directive for an input field of type text. My goal is to have the width of this field expand dynamically if the text exceeds the size of the input field. Below is the code snippet for my directive:

.directive('dynamicInput', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        template: '<input type="text" style="display: inherit;" class="form-control" required />',
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {

            console.log('ATTRS: ', attrs);
            console.log('ELEMENT: ', element);

                console.log('WiDTH: ', attrs);



Check out the Plunker demo here:

Change Width Dynamically.

I am aware that it is possible to change the CSS class on the element object, but I am looking for a solution that dynamically adjusts the width as the text length increases within the input field. My question is: How can I update the CSS based on the text length with every 'onchange' event? Additionally, I want to achieve this within a directive, without relying on the parent scope where it is declared.

Answer №1

If you retrieve your input element, you have the flexibility to manipulate it using vanilla JavaScript or an Angular object element.

For example (using link function):

var inputElement = angular.element(element.children()[0]);

inputElement.on('keydown', function() {
   inputElement.attr('size', inputElement.val().length); 

While this may not achieve your exact desired outcome, it demonstrates the concept. With access to the element within the directive, implementing such logic is straightforward and self-contained.

See the modified Plunker here.

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