Is it possible to modify an element within a list based on the identifier of its containing div?

I have created some additional software for my project, which includes a large div with smaller divs inside. Here is an example of how it is structured:

<div class="scroll-area" id="lista">

        <div class="box" id="item1">
            <p>Item #1</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#" id="lnkInfo">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Take</p></a>

        <div class="box" id="item2">
            <p>Item #2</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Reservar</p></a>

        <div class="box" id="item3">
            <p>Item #3</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Take</p></a>

        <div class="box" id="item4">
            <p>Lab #4</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Take</p></a>

        <div class="box" id="item5">
            <p>Item #5</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Take</p></a>

        <div class="box" id="item6">
            <p>Item #6</p>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Info</p></a>
            <p class="info"><a href="#">Take</p></a>

Using pop-up for items:

 <div class="popUp hide" id="popUp">
        <div class="stylePopUp">
          <span value="Close" id="btnClose">x</span>
        <li>Name: Item #1</li> !-- This is where I want to replace the information -->


CSS Styles:

.box {
   display: inline-block;
   padding: 2px;
   width: 75px;
   border: 2px solid black;
   margin: 3px;

border:2px solid #e67e22;

Javascript Functions:

var elementInfo = document.getElementById('lnkInfo'),
elementBtnClose = document.getElementById('btnClose'); 

elementoVerInfo.addEventListener('click', function () {

elementoBotonCerrar.addEventListener('click', function () {

function displayPopUp(pIdDivToShow){
var fElementDivToShow = document.getElementById(pIdDivToShow),
newClass ='';
newClass = fElementDivToShow.className.replace('hide','');
fElementDivToShow.className = newClass + ' show';

function hidePopUp(pIdDivToShow){
var fElementDivToShow = document.getElementById(pIdDivToShow),
newClass ='';
newClass = fElementDivToShow.className.replace('show','');
fElementDivToShow.className = newClass + ' hide';

Currently, when I click on "Info," a pop-up displays with information like:

Name: Item X

Instead of creating a div for each item, I would like to dynamically generate this information using JavaScript based on the clicked div. I am unsure about the correct syntax and approach in JavaScript for achieving this task.

I was thinking of implementing a loop that compares the IDs of each div and assigns a value to "Name:" X accordingly. However, my limited experience in programming makes me uncertain. Any guidance or assistance on how to proceed would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your help! Best Regards!

Answer №1

As per your request, here is the code snippet in Jquery. Feel free to check out the attached Fiddle for a live example:

        var divobj = $(this);


If you want a more efficient solution, consider mixing jquery and vanilla JS.

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