Is it possible to manipulate div elements with JavaScript while utilizing node.js?

It seems like I'm missing something obvious here, as I'm working with node.js and I have correctly linked a javascript file (alert("hello"); works). However, I can't seem to make any changes to the DOM. Here's a simple example:


doctype html
        link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/styles.css')
        block index_block


    background-color red
    width 200px
    height 200px



var div = document.getElementById("divClassName"); = "green";

Even though I try to change the color of the box to green, it remains red. Any ideas on why this might be happening? Thanks.

Answer №1

When your script runs before the HTML is fully loaded, any variables referring to elements like div will be undefined because those elements don't exist yet. To solve this issue, you can wrap your JavaScript code in a function and use the onload event of the document to ensure that it executes only after the entire document has been loaded.

window.onload = function(){
    var targetDiv = document.getElementById("targetDivId"); = "blue";

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