Is it possible to make an image gradually appear and disappear?

Is there a way to create a continuous fade in and out effect for an image, transitioning between 40% and 100% opacity?

I attempted using a CSS3 opacity property, but it only allows for 0% and 100%, causing the fade effect to be ineffective.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to achieve this desired effect?

Answer №1

Opacity in CSS can be utilized across different browsers to achieve a desired effect.

This value is typically provided in decimal format for better precision.

EDIT: Included cross-browser support for setting opacity levels.

-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40)";
filter: alpha(opacity=40);
-moz-opacity: 0.4;
-khtml-opacity: 0.4;

Answer №2

Below is an example of how jQuery can be used in this scenario:

Gradual Fade Out at 40%

function fadeOutImage() {
    $('img').animate({'opacity':'0.4'}, 500); // The duration is set to 500 milliseconds

Gradual Fade In to 100%

function fadeInImage() {
    $('img').animate({'opacity':'1.0'}, 500); // The duration is set to 500 milliseconds

To continuously execute the functions, you can use:

var timer = setTimeout(fadeOutImage, 1000); // Initiates a gradual fade out every 1 second

clearTimeout(timer); // Use this to stop the timer

Answer №3

Adrian's advice is spot on, but for those of us who struggle with CSS, an option worth exploring is TwitterBootstrap. The fade classes and other features included in this platform could provide some much-needed assistance.

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