Is it possible to insert JavaScript code with the <link> element?

Is it possible to include JavaScript code using the <link> tag on my website?

For instance, if I have a JavaScript file named test.js that includes the simple code alert('hello');

Can I trigger a popup window to appear by using the following:

<link href="test.js"></link>

Answer №1

Unfortunately, there was a suggestion to permit:

<link rel="script" href=".../script.js"/>

similar to how stylesheets are used. This was even mentioned as an illustration in the HTML 4 DTD, but it never came to fruition in browsers. It's a pity, as it would have made things much neater.

Answer №2

To add JavaScript source files to your website, make sure to use the <script> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js"></script>

Remember to always close the tag with the full </script>, unlike some other tags that can be abbreviated like

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>

When the browser processes the included source, any alert statements in the JavaScript will be displayed.

For more information on the <link> tag and its uses, check out

Answer №3

Contemporary web browsers now have built-in support for the preload attribute, allowing developers to preload various resources such as scripts. According to MDN:

The preload option of the <link> tag's rel attribute permits declarative fetch requests to be made in the HTML <head>, specifying resources that will be essential soon after page load. By preloading these resources early in the page's lifecycle, before the browser's main rendering process starts, they become available sooner and are less likely to hinder the initial rendering of the page. This leads to performance enhancements.

An example of the code might look like this (refer to our JS and CSS example source, and also view it live):

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>JS and CSS preload example</title>

  <link rel="preload" href="style.css" as="style">
  <link rel="preload" href="main.js" as="script">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

  <h1>bouncing balls</h1>

  <script src="main.js"></script>

Answer №4

Potential Reason Behind Non-Inclusion

  • link elements are restricted to specific areas like the head for metadata content, and not allowed in the body. Refer to: Contexts in which this element can be used. Other elements meant for the body, such as img and iframe, have dedicated elements for inclusion.

  • link elements must remain empty, while script elements can include content. See: Content model

Hence, the separate element for JavaScript is justified to avoid redundancy with link rel="script".

This reasoning also applies to why elements like img and style have their own distinct elements:

  • img can go in the body, hence the need for a separate element even though it must be empty.

  • style can contain content, hence having a separate element, even though it was previously not permitted in the body until HTML5 introduced the scoped attribute (excluding external scripts).

It seems Tim Berners-Lee envisioned using <a for everything: !

Answer №5

Typically, JavaScript code is included in a webpage using a script tag, similar to the example below:

<script type="text/javascript" src="example.js"></script>

Answer №6

In response to your question, the answer is no, not through that method. However, I stumbled upon this question while investigating a similar issue that ultimately led me here. After reviewing the already provided answers, most of which are correct, I decided to verify the syntax on . It appears that HTML5 introduces a new attribute for script elements in HTML.

This new attribute allows for the deferment or asynchronous loading and execution of javascript files (not to be confused with AJAX).

I'll provide the link here for you to explore the details yourself, as it is readily available online:

Answer №7

Traditionally, one would utilize a <script> tag, but it turns out that you can also achieve the same with

<link href="test.js"></link>
as you mentioned. Check out this example

I stand corrected. It seems that Parcel has some unique functionality that results in the final output using a <script> tag. Even if you preload a .js file with a <link> tag, you still need to use a <script> tag to load it.

I'll keep this information here so others don't get puzzled by the bundling magic of Parcel like I did.

Answer №8

An alternative approach would be to dynamically add a script file to the existing document. This can be achieved by creating a SCRIPT tag, specifying the "src" attribute with the script's URI, and adding it as a child element of the HEAD section of the page.

By following these steps, the browser will be prompted to fetch the script file, include it in the document, and then run it.

Answer №9

Incorrect. A Link tag is typically used for CSS files or for related links (such as next).

When it comes to loading javascript onto a page, the correct way is to utilize the <script> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="file.js" />

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