Is it possible to implement a hover animation within another hover animation in WordPress?

Trying to incorporate two hover animations for the images in my photo galleries. When hovering over an image, I want a text to appear in a black overlay, and then when hovering over that text, it should become underlined. Looking for something similar to this example: I understand that I need to create a hover element, but dealing with nested animations is proving to be complicated. Any guidance or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Rowan

Answer №1

Do you mean something like this example?

Here is the HTML code:

<div id='cake' src=''><p id="pInfo" style='left:60px; top:50px; position:absolute;'>Info</p></div>

CSS code:


    border:1px solid;


#cake:hover > #pInfo

The information is initially hidden and will only appear when you hover over the div with an ID of cake. The CSS selector > targets elements that are children of cake. It changes the paragraph's visibility from display:none to display:block when you hover over the image. With #pInfo:hover, the text underlines when hovering over the paragraph.

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