IE6 is not displaying the tag styles correctly

My website has a section that shows two links next to each other. While it's displaying correctly on most browsers, it seems to have issues specifically in IE6. You can view the issue on this fiddle. Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening and provide a solution?

Here's how it looks on IE6:

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that IE 7 and earlier versions do not support display:inline-block on a default block element.

To resolve this, you can:

  • Use a default inline element (e.g., <span>) and apply display:inline-block to it
  • Use a default block element (e.g. <div>) and apply display:inline to it

Since you are using <div> elements, follow this workaround:

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<style type="text/css">
.dialog-button, .horizontal-dialog-divider {
    display: inline;

View the solution here:

This fix is effective for IE7, but keep in mind that it may not work on IE6 (untestable due to lack of access).

It's worth questioning why you're still coding for IE6 as it's an outdated and non-compliant browser.


To align the elements, you can use:

.dialog-button, .horizontal-dialog-divider, .dialog-text {vertical-align: middle;}

Check out the alignment solution here:

Answer №2

The reason is that IE6 does not have the capability to handle display: inline-block.

Answer №3

Consider utilizing a list element with the CSS property float:left for an improved layout:


ul li {list-style:none; float:left; padding:10px}

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