Is it possible to generate visually appealing buttons within a form_for helper?

After creating a login form using the form_for helper, I find the button styling to be unattractive.

I would like the button style to be similar to this.

Is there a way to customize the submit button in form_for?


Log In

<%= form_tag '/authenticate' do %>
  <div class="email">
    <%= label_tag :email %><br />
    <%= text_field_tag :email, params[:email] %>
  <div class="password">
    <%= label_tag :password %><br />
    <%= password_field_tag :password %>
    <%= submit_tag "Log In" %>
<% end %>

Answer №1

Your usage of the bootstrap CSS Framework suggests that you can achieve this with the following code:

<%= submit_tag 'Log In', class: 'btn btn-default' %>

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of the submit button, you can assign a specific class to it and apply styles to that class.

<%= submit_tag 'Sign Up', class: 'custom-button' %>

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