Is it possible to ensure uniformity in the appearance of all images with MVC Image Handling?

I'm currently developing an MVC 4 application that allows users to upload images. These uploaded images are then displayed in a different view. Users can upload images up to 10MB in size, which are then resized to 800 x ? pixels using the WebImage (System.Web.Helpers) feature while maintaining the aspect ratio before being saved to the database.

However, when viewing these images in my app, they appear in various shapes and sizes due to their original dimensions, despite the resizing process. Is there a way to showcase all images with uniform width and height without compromising the image quality for some pictures?

Answer №1

If you're dealing with an image stretching issue, there are several approaches you can take to address it. One option is to style the image container using overflow:hidden; and avoid restricting the height of the image, as this could be causing the stretching.

For example:


<div class="main">
   <img class="absolute" src="" alt="" />


    position: relative;
    height: 200px;

    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -200px;

Check out a demo here

Alternatively, you may also explore CSS masks as another solution. A tutorial on different types of masks in CSS can be found here.

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