Is it possible to enable CSS margins to collapse across a fieldset boundary in any way?

One interesting CSS behavior is that adjacent vertical margins typically collapse into one another. In other words, the space between elements will be equal to the larger margin instead of the sum of both margins.

Interestingly, fieldset elements do not follow this rule like most other elements. Margins on child elements within a fieldset do not collapse with margins on their sibling elements:

<div>Before div</div>
<div style="margin:0; border:0; padding:0; background:#ccc;">
    <div style="margin:20px 0;">This div has top and bottom margins that cannot collapse outside of the parent div.</div>
<div>After div</div>

<div>Before fieldset</div>
<fieldset style="margin:0; border:0; padding:0; background:#ccc;">
    <div style="margin:20px 0;">This div also has top and bottom margins, but the parent fieldset prevents them from collapsing.</div>
<div>After fieldset</div>

The reason for this behavior might be because the fieldset creates a new block formatting context. Although the CSS specification does not clearly define whether fieldsets should create a new block formatting context or not, the HTML5 specification "expects" them to do so.

Is there a way to override or prevent fieldsets from blocking the collapsing of margins between their children and siblings?

Answer №1

Affirmative, the fieldset element indeed establishes a new block formatting context. This behavior was initially introduced in browsers and later integrated into the specifications as part of "expected default rendering".

Regrettably, there seems to be no straightforward method to reverse this effect using CSS. The only workaround is to completely eliminate the box created by the fieldset element by setting it to display:contents. However, this approach currently only delivers the desired outcome in Chrome when the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag is enabled. Firefox, despite having implemented display:contents in 2015, has not yet updated its implementation to cater to "unusual elements" like form controls as specified in the latest addition to the specification.

Answer №2

In correspondence with @Blazemonger's previous comments, it appears that the issue may be specific to certain browsers. However, you can still maintain accessibility by utilizing a div element and incorporating the aria role attribute set to group.

<div role="group">
  <!-- add your inputs here -->

According to the established specification:

WAI-ARIA introduces a grouping role that operates similarly to fieldset and legend. In this scenario, the div element contains role=group, indicating that its contents belong to a group. The aria-labelledby attribute then refers to the appropriate text id serving as the group label.


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