Is it possible to eliminate bullets from the <ul> element?

My HTML structure is extremely simple, as shown below:

<ul id="menu" ng-show="showMenu">
  <li><a href="" target="_blank">a</a></li>
  <li><a href="" target="_blank">b</a></li>

This is my CSS:

#menu ul{
    list-style:none !important;
#menu li a{

Even though I have set the list-style to none for the ul, it still shows bullets. When I remove the #menu part, it works correctly. Can someone explain why this is happening? The #menu refers to the id of the ul, so it should apply those styles. Is there something wrong with how I've implemented it?

Answer №1

#menu ul is attempting to select a ul element that is nested within the #menu element. However, in this specific scenario, they are actually referring to the same element. The correct way to target it would be using ul#menu.

Answer №2

Attempting to target a nonexistent element (a <ul> that is a child of an element with the id="menu". The intended target should be an <li> child of an element with the id="menu", like so:

#menu li{
    list-style:none; //consider removing !important

Alternatively, you can create a menu class called no-bullet.

<ul id="menu" class="no-bullet" ng-show="showMenu">
then apply the same CSS as mentioned above, but replace #menu li with .no-bullet.

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