Adjust the width of a float-right container to its maximum width

Looking for a solution similar to the one discussed in this question:

CSS - Float to max width

In my project, I am working on a layout that involves a <pic> / <info> style setup, with a twist - I want it to be responsive when the user resizes their browser.

To achieve this, I need to rearrange the order of the <pic> and <info> boxes based on the browser width. When the width decreases below a certain pixel threshold, I want the "float right" property to be removed from the <info> box so that it slots in above the pic box seamlessly.

Here's a link to a JS fiddle showcasing the full-size layout:

Is there a way to make the "Fred" box expand to fill the width up to the red box without relying on specific pixel measurements?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve a responsive layout where the picture div comes before the info div, you can use the left float property and adjust it based on the viewport width using media queries. You can see a demonstration here.

In response to the question linked in the post:

It doesn't make much sense to float something when you want it to expand to fill the parent

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