Is it possible to display and conceal divs/sections by clicking on navigation bar buttons without utilizing javascript or JQuery?

As I work on coding a page for an assignment, I'm faced with the challenge of implementing a navigation bar with three sections: Business Plan, About Us, and Contact Us. While trying to incorporate clickable buttons using label and radio input elements, I encountered difficulty in making the buttons function properly without disrupting the CSS styling of the navbar.

I need guidance on how to achieve this functionality without compromising the layout. What am I missing in my approach?

This is the code snippet that I have been working on. My attempt to integrate the buttons within the div tags has led to undesirable outcomes, such as disrupting the layout by nesting elements incorrectly.

Although I managed to get close to the desired outcome, I ended up having two navbars where the visually appealing one did not function as intended.

For instance, clicking on "Business Plan" should reveal "Mission...", "Threats...", and other related elements as shown in this example.

Similarly, selecting "Location" should display the content illustrated in this example.

Here are the HTML and CSS snippets:

Answer №1

To target specific sections based on checkbox selection using the :has() selector in CSS, you can use the following example code snippet. This code allows you to show or hide content within certain sections when checkboxes are checked. Check out the full page for a live demo.

@import url(';500;700&display=swap');

*:before {
    box-sizing: border-box;

/* Rest of the CSS styling goes here */

.header-navigation:has(#about-us:checked) #missao {  /* this is an example */

.header-navigation:has(#business-plan:checked) #ameacas_oportunidades{  /*this is an example added*/
  <div class="banner-outer">
    <div class="banner-inner responsive-wrapper">
        <!-- Placeholder logo in SVG format -->
        <div class="logo-wrapper">
            <div class="white-square"></div>
            <div class="pastel-square"></div>
            <img src="logo.svg" class="logo fade-out" alt="Company Logo">
        <!-- End of placeholder logo -->
<header class="header-outer">
<div class="header-inner responsive-wrapper">
    <div class="header-logo">
        <img src="logo2.svg" />
    <nav class="header-navigation">
        <a href="#missao">Plano de Negócios</a>
        <a href="#ameacas_oportunidades">Localização</a>
        <a href="#pontos_fracos">Contato</a>

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