Adjusting font sizes in JavaScript causes the text to resize

Within my HTML pages, I am adjusting the font size using JavaScript code like this:

" = 100/50/20"

However, whenever the font size changes, the text content on the page moves up or down accordingly. This can be disorienting for the user as they may lose their place in the text.

Is there a way to ensure that the user remains at the same location in the text even after changing the font size?

Answer №1

If you're looking to give your user the ability to switch back and forth between different font sizes, incorporating javascript into your code is a necessity.

The use of only allows for increasing the font size without providing a way to revert it back to its original state.

var enlargeFont = false ;
function adjustFontSize( )
  textToResize = document.getElementById( 'text' );
  if (!enlargeFont) {
  // set desired size when button is clicked // = "150%" ; 
    enlargeFont = true ;
  else {
   // return font size to default on subsequent clicks // = "100%" ;
    enlargeFont = false ;
<button type="button" onclick="adjustFontSize();">Change Font Size</button>

<p id="text">lorem ipsum </p>

Answer №2

Based on your query, it seems like you are looking to maintain the scroll position after changing the font size.

I believe this solution will meet your requirements.

        //calculate scroll position as a percentage
        var totalScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
        var currentPos = window.scrollY;
        var scrollPercent = Math.round((currentPos/totalScrollHeight)*100);
        //adjust font size = '15px';

        //reposition scroll to original area
        var updatedScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
        var updatedClientScroll = (updatedScrollHeight * scrollPercent)/100;
        window.scrollY = updatedClientScroll;

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