Is it possible to disable the save option on a PDF popup window?

When displaying a PDF using an embed tag, I have managed to disable print and content copying through document properties. However, I am struggling to find a solution to disable the save option that pops up. Is there a way to achieve this using JavaScript or CSS? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I even tried the code below but it doesn't work after postback.

string embed = "<object data=\"{0}{1}#toolbar=0&navpanes=0\" type=\"application/pdf\" width=\"855px\" style='padding-left:20px;' height=\"700px\">";
embed += "</object>";
ltEmbed.Text = string.Format(embed, ResolveUrl("~/admin/ShowPdf.ashx?Id=1&FilePath="), strFilePath);

Answer №1

Try deleting this section as it may improve the situation.

ResolveUrl("~/admin/ShowPdf.ashx?Id=1&FilePath="), strFilePath

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