Is it possible to avoid widows in CSS without the need for extra HTML elements?

I have a snippet of text that is controlled within a Content Management System. The CMS restricts the use of HTML or special characters such as &nbsp; or <span>.

Despite my attempts to adjust margins and padding, I cannot achieve the desired outcome.

Here is how the text appears on the screen:

<h1>This serves as an example of the headline.</h1>

I wish to avoid having a widow (a single word at the end of a chunk of text) so that when the line breaks, it considers the final 2 words as one unit.

For instance, "an example" should move to the next line instead of just “example” by itself.

Is there a method to accomplish this using only CSS?

I would be thrilled to see "white-space: no-widow" supported in CSS, even though it doesn't currently exist.

Answer №1

Simply put: no, I am not aware of any method to achieve this.

If it was possible to enclose the last two words within a span element with a no-wrap style applied, that might be a solution. However, it appears that adding a span in your CMS is not an option.

One alternative approach: adjust the width of the h1 using em units so that its width corresponds proportionally to the text size. By doing this, you can specify a width that enforces where the title breaks, and this width will adjust accordingly as the text size changes.

Answer №2

A bit late to the party, but if you're still seeking a solution, here's something that might assist you. There is a new CSS property called "text-wrap" (unfortunately, not currently supported by Firefox and Safari) that you can use (source:

You can experiment with the following:

h1 { text-wrap: balance; }

I hope this information proves helpful!

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