Is it possible to automatically adjust the text color based on the dynamic background color?

While browsing, I noticed that the logo color always changes to be the inverse of the background color behind it as the background scrolls or changes.

I'm currently working on a website using Wordpress and would love to achieve the same effect. I've experimented with "mix-blend-mode: exclusion;", but it falls short of providing the true color inverse effect I'm aiming for.

Can anyone provide guidance on how to accomplish this in CSS? Thank you!

Answer №1

Using the mix-blend-mode property with difference and setting the font color to white may be a helpful solution.</p>
<p>When white is combined with white, the result is 0 - which is black.</p>
<p>When white is blended with blue, the outcome is rgb(255, 255, 0) or yellow.</p>
<pre class="snippet-code-css lang-css"><code>body {
  background-image: linear-gradient(white 0 30px, blue 30px 100%);
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;

.text {
  mix-blend-mode: difference;
  color: white;
  font-size: 60px;
  <div class="text">SOME TEXT</div>

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