Is it possible to assign multiple classes to an element by separating them with a comma?

Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting occurrence on a website I am currently working on. It appears to be something out of the ordinary and despite my efforts, I have found no explanations for it thus far. This has left me eager for someone to shed some light on the matter.

What caught my attention is an element that has been attributed with 2 classes in this particular format:

<div class = "class1, class2"></div>

This method of assigning multiple classes to one element seems unique to me, almost resembling a selector. Typically, I would expect classes to be added like so: (without a comma)

<div class = "class1 class2"></div>

Could this be a valid CSS technique that I am unaware of, or perhaps I have stumbled upon a peculiar glitch on the page?

Answer №1

In addition to the existing answers, here is some more information:

  1. The correct syntax (as mentioned by others) is using spaces to separate classes.
  2. If you use commas to separate classes, only the classes without a comma directly after them will be applied. For example:

<div class="class1, class2">

will apply only class2 to the div.

<div class="class1 class2,">

will apply only class1

<div class="class1 , class2">

will successfully apply both classes.

<div class="class1,class2">

will not load either

Keep in mind that if a class name contains an invalid special character, it will not load but valid class names will still work. Since classes are space-separated, the browser interprets "class1, class2" as two separate classes, where class1, is considered invalid due to the comma being a special character in CSS.

Answer №2

As per specifications, the first one is considered as invalid:

class = cdata-list [CS] This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. It is permissible for multiple elements to have the same class name or names assigned to them. However, when assigning multiple class names, they must be separated by white space characters.

The second example is valid.


class attribute

Answer №3

The syntax in the given example is incorrect. The correct markup should be as shown below:

<div class = "class1 class2"></div>

It is important to note that using commas for separation is acceptable in a stylesheet, like this:

.class1, .class2 {
  some styling

However, it is crucial to understand that this method is intended for handling classes that are completely different from the example provided.

Answer №4

To assign classes to any element separated by commas using a data-* attribute and automatically remove the commas with JavaScript, you can follow this method. The classes stored in the data-classes attribute are considered as a string. By splitting that string and removing the commas between class names, you can then use a for loop to assign these values to the 'class' attribute.

Take a look at the script below:

// A helper function to select all elements matching the provided selector
function $$(selector) {
  var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
  return [];

// Selecting elements with [data-classes] attribute and processing them
$$("[data-classes]").forEach(function(el) {
  var dataClasses = el.getAttribute("data-classes");
  var classes = dataClasses.split(",");

  for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {

You can now utilize this method like so:

<button data-classes="button,button-large,button-fancy">Your Button</button>

(Ensure there is no white space between commas or classNames)

NOTE: It's crucial to include this script at the very top of the <head> section to prioritize its execution before loading CSS files on the page.

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