Is it possible to adjust the color of this AnchorLink as I scroll down?

Currently struggling to update the color of a logo as I scroll. While the navigation bar successfully changes colors, the logo remains stagnant. Here is the excerpt from my existing code:


return (
      <Nav {...this.props} scrolled={this.state.hasScrolled}>
            <Scrollspy offset={-64} item={["top"]} currentClassName="active">
              <AnchorLink href="#top" onClick={this.closeMobileMenu}>


export const Brand = styled.div`
  font-family: ${props => props.theme.font.extrabold};
  ${props => props.theme.font_size.regular};
  color: ${props =>};
  text-decoration: none;
  letter-spacing: 1px;
  margin: 0;
  ul {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    a {
      color: ${props => (props.scrolled ? `black` : `white`)};
      text-decoration: none;

If anyone has any insights or solutions, your assistance would be greatly appreciated - thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered the solution - all that was needed was to insert this snippet of code within the navigation.js script:


return (
      <Nav {...this.props} scrolled={this.state.hasScrolled}>
          <Brand {...this.props} scrolled={this.state.hasScrolled}>
            <Scrollspy offset={-64} item={["top"]} currentClassName="active">
              <AnchorLink href="#top" onClick={this.closeMobileMenu}>

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