Is it possible to add animated text using anime.js?

var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.content');

  targets: elements,
  content: 100,
<script src=""></script>
<span class="content">50</span>

Apologies, this code snippet is not functioning as expected. I am struggling to implement anime.js after importing it in the code. However, this piece of code works perfectly fine for me in my current project.

The main objective with this code is to transition the number within the span element from 50 to 100. A similar example can be found in the official documentation here:

However, the example provided in the documentation deals with DOM attributes whereas I want to manipulate the DOM content itself. Is this achievable using anime.js?

Answer №1

If you want to update the content using anime's `innerHTML` property, here is how you can achieve it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=
        <span class="content">50</span>
                targets: document.querySelector(".content"),
                innerHTML: 100,
                easing: 'linear',
                round: 1,
                delay: 1000 // demo purpose

Answer №2

Perhaps there are other methods to accomplish this task, but I believe it can be achieved in the following manner:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
        <script src= 
            var div = document.querySelector("div"); 
            var object = { 
                prop1: 10, 
                prop2: "0%", 
            let animation = anime({ 
                targets: object, 
                prop1: 70, 
                prop2: "96%", 
                easing: "linear", 
                round: 1, 
                update: function () { 
                    div.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(object); 

The crucial component is the update function, demonstrating how to embed any desired value into the HTML.

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