Is it possible that the font-family attribute is not passed down to the input fields within a

Do the html form input elements like text fields or select boxes automatically inherit the font-family property from the body? For instance:

body {
 font-family: 'Lucida Casual', 'Comic Sans MS';

The above font will not be applied to the form input field below:

        <label for="name">Name</label>  
        <input id="name" name="name" type="text" />  


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Is it typical to have to redefine the font family for the input fields, or am I missing something?

Answer №1

Affirmative, it is necessary to include the font within the input tag.

  font-family:'Lucida Casual', 'Comic Sans MS';    

You may also utilize inherit for defining the font on form fields.

input, textarea, select { font-family:inherit; }

UPDATE - additional clarification

Most internet browsers display text within form elements consistent with the user's operating system's settings. This is done to maintain a standardized appearance and experience for the user. Nevertheless, this default setting can be overridden using the provided code snippet.

Answer №2

Everything is functioning properly in the code. It is normal for the input field to inherit the OS theme settings by default. This topic has already been covered on stackoverflow. To learn more, please refer to the following link.

Why are <textarea> and <textfield> not inheriting font-family and font-size from the body?

Answer №3

Consider updating your CSS body attribute to

body *{font-family:'Lucida Casual', 'Comic Sans MS';}

The wildcard (*) selector ensures that every child element inherits the font-family specified in the CSS rule you've written, thanks to the rules of specificity in CSS. Check out this example on JSFiddle.

This approach is useful if you want all elements on your webpage to share the same font-family value, but not ideal if you need different styles for certain elements like forms.

For more insights, take a look at Smashing Magazine's informative article.

I hope this explanation proves helpful to you.

Answer №4

This solution worked perfectly for my issue:

tags-input *, tags-input *:before, tags-input *:after {
  font-family: "IRANSans" !important;

tags-input .tags .input {
  padding-right: 5px;
  float: right !important;
  font: 13px "IRANSans", tahoma !important;

tags-input .tags .tag-item {
  float: right !important;
  font: 13px "IRANSans", tahoma !important;

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