Utilize jQuery to extract the content, rearrange the content, and then encapsulate it within fresh

I attempted all day to rearrange this menu the way I want, but since I am new to jQuery, I'm facing some challenges. Here is what I am currently trying to achieve:

  • Inside the last td.top of this menu, there are 3 ul.sub li items. I aim to extract each one of them along with their content and place it inside a td.top.

  • Within the content, there is a div and a link. My goal is to interchange their positions so that the link comes before the div, similar to the other td.top elements.

  • In essence, my objective is to make the 3 ul.sub li identical in terms of structure and classes as the rest of the td.top elements.

Can anyone guide me on how to accomplish this task?

So far, here is the code that I have used:

$("ul.sub a.more_top_element").removeClass('button more_top_element').addClass("top_link").removeAttr('style').removeAttr('value');
$("ul.sub div").removeClass('more_sub').addClass("sub");

At this point, I need the code to extract the content from the 3 ul.sub li elements, swap the link with the div, and wrap it within a td.top element.

Below is the HTML snippet that requires modification using jQuery:

<table class="topMenu" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td class="top">
        <a href="http://localhost/d7t/m/photos/home/" class="top_link"><span class="down bx-def-padding-sec-leftright">Photos</span>
        <!--[if gte IE 7]><!-->
        <div class="sub">
            <!--[if lte IE 6]><table id="mmm"><tr><td><![endif]-->
            <ul class="sub main_elements">
                <a href="http://localhost/d7t/m/photos/home/" target="_self" class="button more_ntop_element">Home</a>
                // Additional code remains unchanged for brevity
            <!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->
    // Additional code blocks remain the same

Answer №1

There are quite a few questions here, not just one, and they may not be the best fit for stackoverflow.

If you're looking to target the last td with the class of top, you can use the last-child selector like this:

$( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child" ) // only for reference

Once you've selected this td, you can then target all divs within it that have the class sub:

$( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child div.sub" )

This will select the content within the desired div. You can also target the links in this section using:

$( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child a.top_link" )

To work with these elements later on, you can store them as JavaScript objects:

var divs = $( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child div.sub" ).remove();
var links = $( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child a.top_link" ).remove();

By removing them from the DOM, you keep them as jQuery objects for future use. Don't forget to clean up the DOM by calling:

$( "table.topMenu td.top:last-child" ).remove();

This will ensure your code is tidy and efficient.

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