Is it possible for my CSS to be conditional based on the absence of a class?

Here is my current CSS code:

.mini-menu > li > a:hover {

Is there a method to apply this hover effect exclusively to the button, but only if it does not have the "disabled" class?

Answer №1

You have the option to utilize the exclusion pseudo-class: :not(selector)

.mini-menu > li > a:not(.disabled):hover { ... }

(Requires a compatible browser.)

Answer №2

Utilize the CSS3 :not() selector to style elements, bearing in mind potential cross-browser compatibility issues:

.mini-menu > li > a:hover {

Answer №3

Aside from the :not selector mentioned here, another option is to directly override the hover class for a.button with the disabled class (especially useful if you need to support IE7 and 8):

.mini-menu > li > a:hover {
    // css code here

a.button.disabled:hover {
   // css to specify non-hover style

Check out a simple demo

Answer №4

One way to achieve this is by using the :not(.disabled) selector.

Define the css style for elements that do not have the .disabled class applied.

The :not(selector) selector targets elements that do NOT match the specified element/selector.

Keep in mind: IE8 and earlier versions do not support this functionality.

Answer №5

To target elements that are not disabled, you can utilize the :not(.disabled) selector.

Answer №6

Aside from utilizing the :not() selector, another strategy could involve employing CSS Specificity to reset styles with a more specific "disabled" class.

a.button.disabled:hover, > li > a:hover {
   // insert disabled properties here that will not be overridden below.

.mini-menu > li > a:hover {
    // insert styling here

To see this concept in action, check out the working demo at

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