Is it possible for me to adjust these two images to fit the screen perfectly?


  • CSS
  • React

Objective: I am striving to resize two images to achieve this desired look:

I am currently developing a 'skirt customizer' for either my mom or portfolio, where users can modify the 'belt' or 'fabric' by clicking on buttons. The functionality of the buttons is operational, allowing for full customization. However, the current appearance is not up to par:

The current design is far from ideal... I have experimented with adding classes (and ids) to both the image and container tags, as well as adjusting various CSS attributes. Attempts have been made using max-height in "px" and/or 10% for the belt, 40% for the fabric. Tinkering with height, width, and max-width has also been part of my strategy in search of the perfect combination. Although the JavaScript portion is successful, I need assistance from someone skilled in CSS to fine-tune these adjustments. Once achieved, I plan to overlay a 'transparent-skirt-frame' over the skirt and belt to enhance the overall appearance. Perfecting the sizing is proving to be quite the challenge. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Answer №1

Potential choices:

  1. Place image inside a div with overflow: hidden and adjust width/height as needed, set image width to 100% and height to auto
  2. Utilize a div with a background instead of an img and include background-size: cover in the div's styles

For the first method, it would appear like this

<div class="skirt">
  <div class="part belt"></div>
  <div class="part fabric"></div>

.skirt {
  height: 500px;

.skirt .part {
  overflow: hidden;

.skirt .part img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

.skirt .belt {
  height: 10%;

.skirt .fabric {
  height: 90%;

To achieve a "skirt look," you can experiment with adding

clip-path: polygon(20% 0%, 80% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%);
to .skirt (clip-path generator)

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