Is it possible for a div or any other element to apply "margin:auto" while allowing padding only for the text inside it, rather than specifying a fixed size or percentage?

When creating a new div and adding text to it, there are a few considerations.

<div style="margin:auto;background-color:yellow;padding:10px;">text</div>

Instead of the default 100% width, we can add padding around the text "text".

To achieve this effect, we need to use a combination of margin:auto and padding.

Using "float:left" will not work with "margin:auto", so we must find an alternative solution.

Answer №1

When it comes to block level elements, like <div>, they typically take up all available space within their containing block. If this is not the desired effect, you can change the display property of the element to something like inline-block.

To further customize the appearance of the <div> element, you can add some padding and center it horizontally by applying text-align: center to its parent container.

.parent { text-align: center; }
.child { display: inline-block; padding: .5em 1em; background-color: gold; }
<div class="parent">
    <div class="child">test</div>

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