Is it necessary to restart the IIS Site when altering the contents of index.html?

I am currently working on updating a website that runs on a Custom Designed CMS with files using the .asp extension. The site seems to be quite dated and is hosted on an IIS Server, which I do not have direct access to. The user has requested some changes to be made. I edited the index.html file and uploaded it to the server, but the modifications did not seem to take effect.

My question for experienced individuals is, do I need to restart the IIS instance for the changes to reflect? I attempted altering the existing content in index.html such as changing the Search Bar's placeholder text from 'Search' to 'search', uploaded the updated page but saw no difference. I also included new p tags but still nothing changed.

This is my first time working on an IIS site. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. One observation I can make is that the Home Page in the Custom backend is linked to the index.html file that I am trying to modify.

Answer №1

No, not at all. However, a reload or refresh on the client-side is necessary.


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