Is it necessary for an element in BEM to be contained within a block?

I have a question about BEM methodology. Is it acceptable to use a .block__element class on its own without a parent block? I am working on a WordPress site with various classes from the theme, page builder, and plugins, which can make things messy when trying to maintain the BEM structure. Can I just style the block__element directly using SCSS, or should I add a separate block to the structure for proper organization?

Sample HTML

<footer id="footer">
 <div class="theme-class page-builder-class">
  <div class="footer-block__text">Some footer element text</div>


#footer .footer-block__text {
 color: #ffffff;

Answer №1

In my humble opinion, I would have to lean towards the answer being a firm no, and here's why:

  • BEM was specifically crafted to uphold module separation for better clarity and to reduce the likelihood of styles bleeding over from one module or block to another. Mixing BEM blocks with non-BEM code goes against the fundamental principles of BEM.
  • The careful design of BEM blocks relies on inheriting styles from the block__element. Without the presence of a block ancestor, the structure of the library loses its intended functionality. For example, if the styling of block__element is contingent on receiving rules from block (which sets display:flex) but it lacks a block parent, the desired effect will not be achieved. In such scenarios, the essence of applying BEM gets compromised.

Answer №2

I believe that combining BEM classes with other methodologies is possible in many scenarios. BEM can be integrated with other approaches, legacy code, or even unique medium-specific classes.

For instance, I have personally combined different methodologies:

  • If you need to apply specific styling to a block that isn't based on logic, it may be more practical to use a utility class (e.g. .u-uppercase) rather than creating a non-logical BEM modifier (e.g. .title--uppercase).
  • If you have a layout class that is used across multiple blocks, using an OOCSS object class (e.g. .o-container) could simplify your BEM structure compared to repeating the same BEM element everywhere (e.g. .header__container).

You can explore a detailed presentation on extending BEM concepts here: Modular CSS at Rangle.

In my own experience, I experimented with mixing OOCSS (prefixed with l-) and BEM classes (prefixed with p-) while developing the website . Although it felt unfamiliar initially, this approach turned out to be highly beneficial and stable.

An illustration from the netalis website:

<div class="p-header p-header--hero">

    <!-- NESTED BLOCK -->
    <div class="p-menu"></div>

    <!-- OBJECT CLASS -->
    <div class="l-container">

        <!-- HEADER ELEMENT -->
        <div class="p-header__content"></div>

This hybrid approach works because these external classes are:

  1. Segregated from BEM classes, ensuring no selectors mix both types (.p-header > .l-container)
  2. Immutable, meaning the utility/object classes remain consistent over time.

Hence, my query is: Are your page-builder-class isolated and immutable?

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