After searching online, I found some code snippets that I tried running on Firefox4 and Safari. However, I'm not hearing any sound. How can I resolve this issue?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
@media aural {
h1, h2, h3,
h4, h5, h6 { voice-family: paul, male; stress: 20; richness: 90 }
h1 { pitch: x-low; pitch-range: 90 }
h2 { pitch: x-low; pitch-range: 80 }
h3 { pitch: low; pitch-range: 70 }
h4 { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 60 }
h5 { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 50 }
h6 { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 40 }
li, dt, dd { pitch: medium; richness: 60 }
dt { stress: 80 }
pre, code, tt { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 0; stress: 0; richness: 80 }
em { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 60; stress: 60; richness: 50 }
strong { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 60; stress: 90; richness: 90 }
dfn { pitch: high; pitch-range: 60; stress: 60 }
s, strike { richness: 0 }
i { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 60; stress: 60; richness: 50 }
b { pitch: medium; pitch-range: 60; stress: 90; richness: 90 }
u { richness: 0 }
a:link { voice-family: harry, male }
a:visited { voice-family: betty, female }
a:active { voice-family: betty, female; pitch-range: 80; pitch: x-high }
<p id="a" class="heidi">Testing</p>
<p id="b" class="peter">Testingb</p>