Is it beneficial to utilize CSS3 hardware acceleration translate3d for benchmarking purposes? Is it advisable to implement it on the body element

While browsing through content, I stumbled upon a query regarding the impact of transform: translate3d(0,0,0) or transform: translateZ(0) on enabling CSS3 hardware acceleration for animations across different platforms and browsers. It mentioned that combining these with

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden
and -webkit-perspective: 1000 can enhance animation performance.

As I delved deeper into this topic, certain questions arose:

  1. How can I accurately measure if incorporating transform: translate3d(0,0,0) truly enhances animation smoothness on my device? Or is it merely a perceptual change?
  2. Where should I apply the transform: translate3d(0,0,0) CSS to maximize its effectiveness? Should it be added to the body element, or would directly targeting the animated element yield better results?

If I can address the first question, I believe the second will naturally follow suit. So, how do I assess the smoothness of animations in a benchmarking process?

Answer №1

Exploring the Impact of Hardware Acceleration on Web Performance

While enabling hardware-acceleration in browsers is a common practice, its actual impact on perceived performance can vary.

  1. Simply offloading tasks to the GPU may not solve issues like choppy animation caused by excessive repaints. Understanding what triggers browser repaints and utilizing composite properties like opacity and transform is crucial for optimal performance.
  2. Despite the human eye being capable of perceiving high frame rates, most displays operate at 60Hz, limiting actual FPS. To truly test the benefits of hardware acceleration, specialized monitors with higher refresh rates are necessary.

Evaluating Animation Performance

Chrome's Devtools offer valuable insights into analyzing animations. Using interactive demos like Google's Game of the Year can provide practical examples.

The Performance tab provides real-time FPS data and insights into individual composite operations.

Layers Tab allows for detailed examination of paint count, memory usage, and compositing techniques used for elements.

Rendering Details offers FPS counters and repaint visualization overlays directly on the browser window, facilitating dynamic analysis of changes made.

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