Is it advisable to incorporate CSS variables in place of traditional HTML color names?

As an illustration, I frequently utilize the color white in my CSS code.

:root {
   --color-white: #fff;

I am curious if it is beneficial to define colors such as 'black' and 'white' as variables or if I should stick to using the default CSS color names white and black? Which approach offers better efficiency?

Answer №1

Using CSS variables may not necessarily be driven by efficiency as suggested.

Renaming existing CSS colors could potentially lead to confusion and is generally unnecessary.

However, CSS variables do simplify the process of making changes. For example, by defining variables for colors like --col: black and --bg: white, you can easily update multiple instances throughout your style sheet by simply redefining the variables.

Overall, while efficiency may not always be the main motivation for using CSS variables, they certainly make managing and updating styles more convenient.

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