Is it a universal rule for embedded css to take precedence over external css?

In my previous studies, I had learned that embedded CSS always takes precedence over external CSS. However, I have discovered that the styles that come last in the code actually prevail.

Consider the following code snippet where I have used color:green; in the external CSS for h3:

<link rel=stylesheet href="style.css">

Based on this code, any text within h3 will be displayed in red color.

However, if I rearrange the code as shown below:

<link rel=stylesheet href="style.css">

In this case, the text inside h3 will appear in "green" (assuming I have set "green" as the font color in external CSS).

This discrepancy occurs because the link tag is placed after the style tag.

It seems that external css does not always override embedded css as expected.

Is it necessary to adhere to a rule of placing the link tag before the style tag in the head? Please provide clarification on this matter.

Answer №1

Whether your stylesheet is enclosed within <style> tags or linked externally with <link /> doesn't make a difference. The latter always takes precedence, even if they are both in the same external file. What truly matters is the order of the selectors and their specificities.

Nevertheless, inline CSS using the style=".." attribute overrides everything because it's the most specific. To counteract this, you would need to utilize !important. Any properties in style=".." with !important cannot be overridden.

Answer №2

The application of CSS rules is determined by the specificity of the rule, its placement, and the use of the !important declaration. When conflicting rules exist, the rule declared later takes precedence over the earlier one. Additionally, when conflicting rules with varying levels of specificity are present, the more specific styles will be applied, regardless of their position in the stylesheet. The use of !important ensures that a rule always takes priority, as shown in the following example:

p {
  font-size: 16px !important;

In this case, the !important rule will override any other conflicting styles.

Specificity in CSS selectors follows this order (from most specific to least):

  1. Inline styles
  2. ID
  3. Class, pseudo-class, attribute
  4. Element

Answer №3

Whether embedded or not, the application of styles is determined by the order of cascading

Answer №4

Once all the CSS rules are applied, in cases where two rules have the same specificity, the one that was defined last will be the one to take effect.

For instance, if you have:

div { 
    background: green;

div {
    background: red;

The background color will be red, overriding any previous declarations.

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